My View From Las Vegas
Friday, January 10, 2003
The worst case scenario unfolded today, as in relationship to the new job I just started at Turnberry Towers, here in Las Vegas. I was so far behind on my Union Dues that I was sanctioned, and effectively thrown out of the Union, and fined $550.00 to be reinstated. This is just one more controversy that I did not need in my efforts to remain under the radar and out of trouble within the realm of the Ironworkers Local 433, and all the stress that has been created by my outspoken behavior in regards to our abysmal safety record. We have tragic accidents all too frequently, and they are the result, in my opinion, of the pressure that is brought to bear on the men by those that are charged with the responsibility to lead us as company Superintendents, General Foreman and Foreman. Fatalities are to numerous to mention, and the other near fatalities and carreer ending accidents are commonplace. There are rare exceptions within the leadership ranks, and the foreman on the job where I am currently working is the rare exception to this rule.
Yesterday, at the Mandalay Bay Construction sight, there was an accident where one of our Apprentices was apparently run over by a fork lift. It is very hard to imagine how this could happen, but the facts are not available to me at the moment.The initial report seems to indicate that this young man's injuries are severe. I will know more about the details tomorrow. I will promise to discuss this at a later date. I am working tomorrow, luckily, and the problem with the Union Dues is put to bed for the moment. I hope. This is the last thing I need, because I am severely challenged economically at this very critical moment.